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Indie design Gift a long

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Thank you very much for participating in Ravelry Indie-design-Gift-a-Long!

I was curious about my most purchased patterns during this event. No wonder that sweaters were in the overwhelming majority with over 67 % of all purchases (winter has come ❄️❄️❄️). Then you wanted to make one of my favorite skirts – Skirt Integrity – I’m really glad it caught your attention!

The stats look like this (in per cents):

Colorful sweater Ozone, crochet 18.6 %
Origami sweater Heuristic, knit 18.6 %
Ambiance Origami sweater, crochet  14.0 %
Detour sweater, crochet 11.6 %
Skirt integrity, crochet 9.3 %
To Crop or not to Crop top crochet 4.7 %
Origami sweater Spring, crochet 4.7 %
Garnet dress, crochet 4.7 %
Detour cowl, crochet 2.3 %
Freelancer top, crochet 2.3 %
Rhythmic top, crochet 2.3 %
Unquestionable maxi dress, crochet 2.3 %
Scarf Heuristic, knit 2.3 %
Off shoulder dress or tunic, crochet 2.3 %

You may like to press on each pattern to find more details about sizes and yarn recommendations.

Though the 25% discount campaign has just ended you can still participate in Ravelry games till December 31, 2019. Please find more details here


Was my participation worth it? I can not say yet because sales don’t interest me – I look forward to seeing your beautiful sweaters, skirts, tops, and dresses created from my patterns.???

Happy crafting and Happy Holidays!

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