DIAGONAL BLOSSOMS: Crochet Pillow Cover Pattern

* * * It’s cold February again, so time to take photos of all your completed garments created by Conceptcreative.store , post your photos on Ravelry and https://mycrochet.conceptcreative.store/ and receive another FREE PATTERN (conditions apply – please scroll down for more details). This pillow cover will lend a sophisticated air of modern crochet home design and compliment any […]

Indie design Gift a long

*** Thank you very much for participating in Ravelry Indie-design-Gift-a-Long! I was curious about my most purchased patterns during this event. No wonder that sweaters were in the overwhelming majority with over 67 % of all purchases (winter has come ❄️❄️❄️). Then you wanted to make one of my favorite skirts – Skirt Integrity – I’m really glad […]

Discounts, discounts, disCOUNTS!

*** Recently I got this comment on https://conceptcreative.store/contact , however, the sender posted wrong email and my answer was returned: Hello! I just found your website and LOVE your garments. Do you give discount for multiple purchases (say, 10 patterns or so)? Thank you, Cynthia My usual answer is that I doubt that people who buy 10 garment patterns at once will crochet all of […]

DETOUR SWEATER + COWL: Crochet Patterns

*** For a limited time only! This cowl is offered as your FREE Crochet Pattern with the purchase of my latest crochet sweater pattern (sample shown). Where: at  CONCEPTcreativestore.ETSY.com When:  from 10th till 17th of November Buy one, get two modern patterns. Happy crocheting! ? The cowl pattern is written for 4 versions: child, teen, woman, man. Each version […]

SOUTHERN CROSS Top Crochet pattern – published!

***** Back from holiday and with already published crochet pattern! ? And it was the best crochet thing for the beach! ? Special thanks to my testers @crochet_uk.co.uk, @grootenancyde, @lookingforbestthings Mel from @crochet_uk.co.uk has even crocheted it with her own handmade gradient yarn!   I love creating interesting names for my patterns – it gives a feeling of […]


***** This classic style features beautiful textured look and a belly-covering fringe that sways as you move. Keep the fringing the focus point of your look by styling with monochromatic accessories. Free crochet pattern for this Proportion Top sent to all participants of the Summer Mystery CAL who have finished their garments by July 31st […]

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