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FLEXIBILITY: Backpack or Notebook Cover Pattern

* * * For this project I’ve used POLYESTER yarn because:   1. It’s strong and light-weight – my crochet backpack of the size 44 cm x 39 cm = 17.3’’ x 15.4’’ weights 300 grams = 10.6 oz only. 2. Polyester is highly resistant to ultraviolet, water, which makes it ideal for long-term active use in bags. Polyester fibers […]

DIAGONAL BLOSSOMS: Crochet Pillow Cover Pattern

* * * It’s cold February again, so time to take photos of all your completed garments created by Conceptcreative.store , post your photos on Ravelry and https://mycrochet.conceptcreative.store/ and receive another FREE PATTERN (conditions apply – please scroll down for more details). This pillow cover will lend a sophisticated air of modern crochet home design and compliment any […]

Indie design Gift a long

*** Thank you very much for participating in Ravelry Indie-design-Gift-a-Long! I was curious about my most purchased patterns during this event. No wonder that sweaters were in the overwhelming majority with over 67 % of all purchases (winter has come ❄️❄️❄️). Then you wanted to make one of my favorite skirts – Skirt Integrity – I’m really glad […]

Discounts, discounts, disCOUNTS!

*** Recently I got this comment on https://conceptcreative.store/contact , however, the sender posted wrong email and my answer was returned: Hello! I just found your website and LOVE your garments. Do you give discount for multiple purchases (say, 10 patterns or so)? Thank you, Cynthia My usual answer is that I doubt that people who buy 10 garment patterns at once will crochet all of […]

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