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Knit cable sweater with skull pattern – FREE diagram for Cabled Skull

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I was asked to transfer these details from my older website since my new one is easier to read.

Disclaimer: Here you will find my FREE DIAGRAM for Cabled Skull. Although I have finished two such sweaters in 2014 [you may see them here  and here ] I have not made any notes about both projects except for those written below. And I’m not going to knit another version of this sweater and describe it :). 

FREE diagram for Cabled Skull

Since cable pullovers with skull patterns became very popular lately, my son asked me to knit something cool for him :).  Though he never wanted me to create pullovers before (he prefers wearing T-shirts even in winter), now I think he loves the look. And not to forget those 20 girls on Facebook who immediately liked his new avatar :).



For size XXL (the young man is almost 2 m = 6.5” tall) I’ve used 730 gr (25.8 oz) (1425 yards) of 100 % wool.

Yarn weight: DK / 8 ply / 178 m in 100 gr / 195 yards in 3.5 oz.


Suitable examples:


I noted the differences I’ve made in my pullover (comparing to the original by Alexander McQueen) and left some comments about yarn and knitting process in this Ravelry thread:



Detailed DIAGRAM (for the skull in front) that I have used is below.

I’ve knitted the pullover bottom up but with this chart it’s easy to see how to work it top down.

The pattern on both sides from the skull is the same as in his eyes (right side facing: 1 knit, 1 purl; wrong side facing: purl only). Let’s call it “pattern in the eyes”.

For the mentioned size I started FRONT with 14 purl sts, 1 knit [to separate stitch patterns], 10 sts “cable chains” (1 purl, 8 knit, 1 purl), 1 knit [to separate stitch patterns], 13 sts of “pattern in the eyes”, then worked skull as shown in the chart and finished the row symmetrically.

1st row in the BACK: 14 purl sts, 1 knit [to separate stitch patterns], 10 sts “cable chains” (1 purl, 8 knit, 1 purl), 1 knit [to separate stitch patterns], 12 sts of “pattern in the eyes”, 1 knit [to separate stitch patterns], then cable pattern in the centre of the back (4 purl, 4 knit, 6 purl, 4 knit, 6 purl, 4 knit, 6 purl, 4 knit, 4 purl = 42 sts totally); finish the row symmetrically.

Note that later in all rows on the right side ”1 knit [to separate stitch patterns]” will be slipped without knitting it. Purl it on the wrong side.

Pattern in the eyes” is worked on the right side as charted; purl all stitches of the pattern on the wrong side.

I’ve not charted the centre of the back and “cable chains” because these patterns seam to be easy – in the main picture you’ll see in what direction you need to cross knit sts.

I kindly ask you not to copy this diagram into your blog or sell it – just give the following link: Free Diagram for Cabled Skull

Thank you for understanding!

Add this pattern to your Ravelry queue and favorites or share photos of your completed project here

Knitting symbols:

You might find this article about chart symbols useful since people in different countries are used to different cable symbols 

Here I’ve copied a few things in case jcbriar-blog disappears later:

So, if you think that symbols in my charts are “hard to understand” it might be that you are used to different chart symbols and haven’t explored other possibilities :).


For saving the chart below press on this link and save on your computer or tablet:



Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved. Any reprinting, transmitting, reproducing, publishing or otherwise using for commercial purposes parts of this tutorial is strictly prohibited without our prior written permission.




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Feel free to upload photos of your
completed project with this pattern here: .
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6 thoughts on “Knit cable sweater with skull pattern – FREE diagram for Cabled Skull

  1. Hi!
    I’m excited to try knitting this but what do you mean by “1 knit [to separate stitch patterns]”?

    1. Hi Aush,

      Thank you for your interest!

      This sweater has several “columns with stitch patterns” – column with 14 purl sts, column with cables that look like chains etc.

      To make different “columns with stitch patterns” look more or less distinctive we should separate them with 1 knit stitch.

      Kind regards,

  2. Thanks for this! I’m curious – do you have a pattern for the raglan shaping? And How many inches did you knit before reducing the sides for raglan shaping?

    1. Hello Kelly,

      Thanks for the interest! As written in this post, this is the FREE DIAGRAM for Cabled Skull. Although I have finished two such sweaters in 2014
      [you may see them here
      and here
      I have not made any notes about both projects except for those written in this post. And I’m not going to make a 3rd sweater and describe it :).

      If you are interested in full written and charted description of a knitted sweater, I wrote such a pattern:

      If you are interested in a charted cable sweater pattern, I have posted it here:

      Kind regards,

  3. Hi, I just started this pattern and i’m really enjoying working it up, I had only one question. For the nose, when you say to work 6 short rows in stockinette and then join to the first row, what do you mean by that? Thanks!

    1. Hello Anthony, Thank you! You need to join the nose’s last row with its first row on the wrong side – use any sewing method or connecting method you prefer for it, then the nose will stick out. KR, Inna

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