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SPRING CAL- your comments

Dear SPRING-lovers,
Thank you for participating in our Free Crochet Along and uploading photos of your progress! I haven’t seen so many gorgeous crochet projects posted every day – you are so talented!
This page is for your comments – if you could not find your questions answered on our main page SPRING CAL: Crochet Dress or Top Patterns. Please feel free to post any questions related to crocheting your project (just scroll down to comments) and I’ll do my best to help you!
Can’t wait to see more leaves this spring!

? ? ☘️ ?  ?

Please Share With Your Friends. Thank You!
Feel free to upload photos of your
completed project with this pattern here: .
Posts created 79

14 thoughts on “SPRING CAL- your comments

    1. Hi Peculiar,

      Thank you very much for joining us! I saw one photo of your swatch and sent you part 1 on the same day.
      The first part was not posted yet – maybe Ravelry had some technical problems?

      You may also like to post your photo(s) on Instagram. Please be sure to add these tags #spring_cal #conceptcreativestore #crochetalong #freecrochetpattern so we can like them!

      Happy crocheting!

  1. I am almost finished with part 1. But, before I post my picture, I have a question. Once in post the picture and am given the password for part 2, will I no longer be able to access part 1? I am making the dress, but am loving this pattern and your directions and would like to make a top as well for myself.
    I believe i will have it completed before May as it has only taken me a day to do part 1.
    Thank you in anticipation of a response

    1. Hi Donna,

      The access to all parts of this free CAL will be closed on May 1st. Till that day you can crochet everything. The printable PDF with charts is always available on my website (and it will be added to Ravelry database on May 1st).

      I usually send links to next parts during the European day time (prefer to sleep at night :)). So, I will see your photo on Ravelry and send next part tomorrow.

      Kind regards,

  2. Hello. Try as I might, I can not get my head around row 12. I have ripped it out 3 times and here I am again. The directions for the front center make no sense to me.
    Row 11 front center has 5 posts 2ch 5 posts. But row 12 does not work into it.
    Do you have a schematic or close up picture of it?
    Can you help?

    1. Hi Donna,

      In row 12, in leaves, you work 7 post dc (totally) around 5 post dc of row 11 as described, which is [2 fpdc around 1st post dc, 1 fpdc around each of next 3 post dc, 2 fpdc around 5th post dc], then 2 ch, 1 dc in 2 ch (right between two groups of post dc], 2 ch, then 7 post dc (totally) around 5 post dc of row 11 as described, which is [2 fpdc around 1st post dc, 1 fpdc around each of next 3 post dc, 2 fpdc around 5th post dc].

      Charts are included into paid version. The free CAL includes written instructions only.

      Up to waist this project requires your full attention. The written description has no mistakes – other participants of this CAL had finished all these parts successfully.

      If row 12 still does not make sence, then you probably made mistake(s) in row 11. Please recheck the stitches in your row 11.


      P.S. If you are a left-handed crocheter, then you work into opposite direction than described (counter-clockwise). Then yes, the center of the front will be in another place in your project.

        1. You do not :), but I understand that these rows require concentration – for example, a crocheter could skip a written line.

          Last year one crocheter could not make sence of row 12, but we realized that she worked into the opposite direction than described. Because she was left-handed. That is why I’ve mentioned left- and right- way of crocheting right in the description of this free CAL.

          One left-handed participant of our CAL wrote that she knows the difference, but she’s been crocheting for more than 35 years, so she makes proper adjustments in written instructions. I believe, she reads all rows backwards.

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